Comments on Cosmopolitan and Culture

There is a software project called Cosmopolitan. I had a discussion with its creator on, but it was deleted. So I am going to recreate it here and talk about what I learned from that discussion and what kind of culture I want around my software.

Projects in the Pipeline

This post has descriptions of all of the software projects I currently have in the pipeline.

Poisoning GitHub Copilot and Machine Learning

GitHub has made me angry again. This time, it's because they are laundering code with machine learning. To fight that, I have developed new FOSS licenses to poison their well.

Software Developers Are the Problem and the Solution

Software is eating the world and making it worse. Software developers are to blame. But we can also fix it.

Counting Words in C with Yc

Ben Hoyt compared programming languages, and the only language without a hashmap was C. Let's see how a hashmap in C would actually do.

My First Programs

I thought that I would share the first programs I ever wrote with the world.

A dc Script for Easter

Someone reported a bug with my dc. The script that found the bug was so fascinating, I decided to share it, along with some tips for reading and debugging dc code.

Lessons Learned as a User 2: Eat Your Own Dog Food

In this second post in an ad-hoc series, I talk about why eating your own dog food is so important.

Lessons Learned as a User 1: Ease Matters

In this first post in an ad-hoc series, I talk about why making things easy for users matters.

Setting Aside an Idea: Decentralized Identities

I wrote about an idea about 9 months ago. This is how I found out the idea won't work.